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Get your very own app made for your original music! 


We have created a custom built music app designed to run on Apple iPhone / iPad and any Android device. These apps are clean, easy to use, and look good too.


Send us your files. Then we setup our custom built music app with your music.


We setup our custom built music app with your music, lyrics, and photos. This work usually takes about 7-9 business days. Then we send you an early release to check out the work for accuracy. 


Once approved, your music app is published to Apple and Google stores!

Get it out.

We will provide you with links and images to share on social media and with fans. That’s included with your app. If you want to promote the app more, we offer add-on promo materials, like business cards with download information, postcards, and banners. This is what we do.

How much?

There are several costs involved with having your own app. We take care of everything though so don’t worry. Here is the break down:

ONE-TIME Creation: Our work – we have to pay our programmers and artists. That’s $299 for Solo Artists and $599 for Bands/Groups.

YEARLY Renewal: Apple and Google charge yearly registration fees to use their platforms. You get a group deal with us. Your share will be $100/year. Depending on how your app does, you may quality for a full discount.

Make Money

Your music app will be made free to download. This will get the most listeners.

Still, we believe you deserve to earn something, that is why we have created this music app. We have a unique system that allows your fans to listen to your songs once per day for free. If they want to keep listening to your music over and over throughout the day, then they can subscribe.

Once subscribed, your fan will have access to lyrics, exclusive photos, and unlimited plays. That means you will earn about $1-$2 per month, per subscriber. Payout will be to the legal contact submitted during your order.

Let’s get it Started…

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All work will be done in a professional manner. Art direction is at the discretion of our lead designer (with 20+ years commercial design experience). Art style will be made to fit the genre of the music or artist/s featured on your app. Specific customization is available for additional art charge. We will always do our best to provide you with something you can be proud of and hopefully will grow your audience.


Please be aware that this app created for your music is custom and can not be refunded once work has begun. Typically, you will have about 2 business days to let us know if any changes have been made. We will notify you of when work starts via the Email provided in our order form. If you can not provide us with adequate files or content to create the app, the work will be put on hold until you can provide the required materials. You have up to 1 year from the work start date to provide files under your original purchase, afterwards, you will need re-purchase our services to continue work.